Author Archives for admin

Creating That Perfect Monument!

January 17, 2024 6:20 pm Published by Comments Off on Creating That Perfect Monument!

STEP 1 – DECIDE THE STORY YOU’D LIKE TO TELL: Before you arrive at our office, begin thinking of the story you intend to tell with this memorial. Think of special experiences, phrases, hobbies, personal attributes and life’s accomplishments unique to this individual. Also consider what you would like future generations to know. Once you’ve [...]

Monument 101

January 17, 2024 6:17 pm Published by Comments Off on Monument 101

What is the difference between monument styles? Flat Grass Markers Sometimes referred to as a grass or flat marker, it is a memorial that is placed into the ground surrounded in concrete. This leaves the face of the monument flush with the ground. Many cemeteries require this monument style for their ease of ground care [...]